Code Enforcement

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Mission Statement

The purpose of Code Enforcement is to provide essential requirements to safeguard the public health, safety, and general welfare through the regulation and enforcement of the City of Benton Municipal Codes.

Frequent Violations Received as Complaints

Removal of uncut weeds or grass and other unsightly articles: All property owners within the city are required to cut all unsightly weeds and grass, and remove stagnant pools of water or abate any other unsanitary/unsightly item, place or condition which might become a breeding place for mosquitoes, flies, and germs harmful to the health of the community.

Storage of abandoned/wrecked/inoperable vehicles: The City of Benton’s municipal code, as amended, regulates open storage, parking, keeping or leaving of certain subject items (boats, motor vehicles, and trailers of any sort including farm implements) and major portions thereof regardless of whether currently registered. Under no circumstances may any such item be left on public property, whether attended or not, for more than seven (7) consecutive days unless within a building or unless held in connection with a licensed business operation in compliance with city zoning. All violations constitute a public nuisance.

The City of Benton Code Enforcement Department is responsible for the enforcement of all city ordinances pertaining to building and property maintenance. In addition they perform inspections to ensure all building codes are being met.  If you would like to report a code violation or have questions or concerns, you may use the link below or contact our office at 501-776-5938 or email us at The Code Enforcement office is located inside the Community Development Department at the City Municipal Complex located at 114 S. East Street.

Helpful Links and Information

In order to view or download city ordinances, resolutions, or pre-annexation documents, you would need to follow the steps below:

  1. Click on the ‘Search Records’ button.
  2. Select the link for City Clerk.
  3. Select Ordinance or Resolution.
  4. Select the year of the ordinance you are searching for.
  5. Select the Ordinance or Resolution number you wish.

General Information
Phone Numbers
Emergencies: Dial 911
114 S. East Street

Monday - Friday
7:00am to 6:00pm